At 335 lbs I knew I needed a change. Numerous medical issues and horrible eating habits finally began to catch my attention – I wanted to change. I no longer wanted my asthma to be a way out of getting in shape. I began eating healthy and running. My body responded well and I was able to up my runs from a quarter mile to a couple of half marathons! My weight dropped to 245-250 and I felt I was in the best shape of my life. That was last march. I could not have been more wrong.
The 1st time I walked into a box I thought it would be my last – the stuff these athletes could do, the weights they could throw around was so intimidating to me, a lifelong weightlifter, I could not believe the speed and power of these men and woman. Of course I was hooked. I wanted to be one of them. I found CrossFit was challenging me more than ever, push-ups, pull-ups thrusters, sit-ups, ropes, kettle-bells, medicine balls – I could not get enough. I still don’t like burpees though – lol.
I found my niche and without a doubt got into the best shape of my life, with proper technique I was able to lift more than ever. This past month I took part in the paleo challenge and dropped another 11lbs and 3 minutes off my Lucy time – incredible feeling! With the constant push from my fellow athletes I was able to push myself harder and further than ever.
When Pennington CrossFit opened its doors I knew I found my new home. To me the greatest part of CrossFit is not being the fastest, the strongest or the best. It’s about giving your all each and every WOD, not just to yourself but the man or woman by your side giving their all. It’s about the feeling when the clock runs down that you have nothing else to give. It’s about being surrounded by your fellow athletes as they cheer and scream for you to finish, the loudest cheers are usually for the last to finish. It’s about making yourself and those around you better. It’s about pushing yourself every day further than you ever thought possible. It’s about celebrating with each other the new PR, the RX of a WOD, the 1st rope climb, the 1st pull-up, the 1st box jump, the 1st 400 meter run. The greatest gift we have to give ourselves is our health. I was lucky enough to get mine back. I credit Pennington CrossFit for being able to keep it. All it takes is for you to walk thru the door.